Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

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COVID-19 Series (Part Two) with Dr. Laura Bishop


Dr. Laura Bishop presents part two of the the COVID-19 Series where she discusses the natural course of disease. She covers practical aspects of evaluating patients including appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) usage and finishes this segment with clinical exam/laboratory/imaging findings. In part one of this series, she discusses the background of COVID-19 including basics of virology, epidemiology, symptoms and testing. Watch on YouTube.

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Dr. Laura Bishop, M.D.

Dr. Laura Bishop

Louisville Lectures Director, Dr. Laura Bishop, is an Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville in the Departments of Internal Medicine & Pediatrics where she practices as a Med-Peds Hospitalist. She is a graduate of the University of Louisville Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residency Program and relishes her position as the Associate Program Director for the Med-Peds program

Some items in this lecture may have come from the lecturer’s personal academic files or have been cited in-line or at the end of the lecture. For more information, see our citation page.

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