Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

Committed to sharing Internal Medicine focused lectures as free open access medical education.

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Welcome to the Pulmonary and Critical Care Lecture Series!

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We are pleased to share a new lecture series with our loyal learners. These lectures focus on pulmonary and critical care themes and are presented by our esteemed faculty and fellows from the University of Louisville Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine. 

Our vision is to teach the world medicine. As part of Louisville Lectures, we believe in the concept of Free Open Access Medical Education (#FOAMed) and we focus on Internal Medicine (#FOAMIM). And NOW... #FOAMPulmCrit / #PulmCrit


Our content will always be free to all who want to learn and take better care of patients. We are supported by the generosity of the University of Louisville. 


Lectures Listed

(stay tuned for more or subscribe on YouTube!)

Pulmonary Hypertension with Dr. Karim El-Kersh

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome with Dr. Mohamed Saad

Frequent Exacerbation and COPD with Dr. Hiram Rivas Perez