Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

Committed to sharing Internal Medicine focused lectures as free open access medical education.

Welcome to the ll blog!

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Welcome to the LL Blog!

Louisville Lectures has always been a multidisciplinary platform bringing top medical education resources. We are hoping to continue this tradition by adding the LL Blog. The blog entries will come from a variety of different disciplines and will be published weekly. The LL Blog will take a closer look or deeper dive into topics compared to the Louisville Lectures. This will hopefully add a different dynamic to the core education the Louisville Lectures have been grown to represent. Visit the LL Blog Homepage.

The 5 categories for the blog:

  1. Advocacy/Equity

  2. Policy/Admin

  3. Emergency Medicine/Pediatric Emergency Medicine

  4. Internal Medicine

  5. Critical Care

The different categories will often discuss separate topics, but we will also coordinate our topics and each category will discuss a topic from the same theme. By doing this we can show how the many dimensions of certain populations or disease processes.

It is our hope that someone will find value in one or all of these categories and, with a monthly post for each one, can get a steady stream of content delivered.

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Introducing the Cardinal Hospital

Cardinal Hospital is a quaternary care referral center in a large city in the United States.. It is a level 1 trauma hospital, with 24-hour catheterization laboratory and a comprehensive stroke center. It contains all consulting services needed including cardiothoracic and neurosurgery. It is a virtual hospital only and the patients treated within the hospital and their care are all imaginary. Any resemblance to patients or the patients’ care in real-life is not intentional and coincidental.