Louisville Lectures

Open Access Medical Education

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Filtering by Tag: Alcoholic hepatitis,Ascites

Management of Alcohol-Related Hepatitis with Dr. Craig McClain

Dr. Craig McClain presents "Management of Alcohol-Related Hepatitis" through various case studies, as well as an overview and diagnosis. He then discusses research findings related to alcoholic hepatitis and after, Dr. McClain explains the therapies being validated for the treatment of AH, their complications, as well as transplantation.

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Minimizing Complications in Cirrhosis with Dr. Marsano - *Updated*

Dr. Luis Marsano delves into providing adequate nutrition for patients with cirrhosis to prevent hepatic encephalopathy and alcoholic hepatitis. He also addresses minimizing morbidity; including preventing refractory ascites and hepatorenal syndrome and spontaneous bacterial peritonitis prevention.

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Cirrhotic Ascites with Dr. Beauerle

Dr. Brian Beauerle covers the basics of cirrhosis including pathophysiology, symptoms and survival of patients with survival. He covers when and how to perform a paracentesis including interpretation of results. He discusses pharmacologic and dietary treatment of ascites and refractory ascites. He closes with complications of ascites including spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and hepatic hydrothorax.

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Minimizing Complications in Cirrhosis with Dr. Marsano

Dr. Luis Marsano delves into providing adequate nutrition for patients with cirrhosis to prevent hepatic encephalopathy and alcoholic hepatitis. He also addresses ascites and hepatorenal syndrome management as well as SBP prevention and GI bleeding.

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